4 Wolves Ritual
“4 Wolves” ritual
This lesson about 4 wolves ritual. We live now in Age of wolf. 2014 was year of change Fox time to Wolf time and influence of wolf is very strong now.
What is special about wolf animal and spirit?
Wolf is very independent spirit, he carries a lot of power and wisdom and very strong inside. Also wolf is very honest animal especially in compare with Fox. In Siberia people believe that wolves carry a lot of wisdom and very smart. They have very good organization in their families. Every wolf has its role in this family. What we can lean from wolves? How to organize our life, how to be honest, how to find your way, your path.
How this ritual is going? Why we going to meet 4 wolves?
This ritual represents connection with 4 big spirits: Erlik, Umai, Ulgen and Tengri. All this spirits are very important for us, they have big power, but it’s difficult to make directly connection with them. In this ceremony you have 4 wolves, which help you to connect with 4 big spirits. They are like conductors between you and 4 big spirits! Connection with wolves is more clear and more easy to manage.
We do this ceremony in special kind of landscape: for each wolf you travel to the different landscape and also different time of day. We start our travel early in the morning from the beginning point. Then you are standing there you see a steppe in front of you, forest is your right side, lake –your left side and mountains –behind you.
You start your travelling early in the morning before sunrise. You go to the steppe to meet with first Wolf. You go far away in steppe and you stay in the middle of this steppe: you see clear horizon line, you see sunrise and you calling White Wolf. He is coming to connect with you and give you first gift: happiness! This is young wolf, teenager, he is very happy and joyful!
After receiving happiness you have opportunity to send massage to the Spirit of the sky – Ulgen. In steppe you can see very clear connection between sky and earth, horizon line. White wolf can comes to this place and send you massage to the sky! You send massage about your future: What would you like for your future? What do you need for future? What are you waiting for? You can wish whatever you want and think about others, too.
Then you come back to the beginning point and turn to the forest! Then you go inside the forest and its will be already noon time, midday! You walking in the shadow of the trees, you enjoying trees and flowers around you! You come to this forest to connect with Mother Wolf, she has grey color and she carry special gift for you: beautiful healing energy. You come to small open place, where trees are making like a couple, very pleasant and safe place. You come there and call Mother Wolf, she comes and gives you healing as a gift! For every person this healing is individual and different. After healing you can send with Mother wolf you massage to Mother nature, Umai! You can send massage about what you already have and thankful for in your life: your family, friends, business, work, beautiful nature around. To send this massage you have to create a clear image of thing, what you are thankful for, in your head.
Then you coming back to the beginning point and turn to the mountains. Its time of sunset coming! You start climbing to the one of the hills, you coming up and you standing on the top of this hill and you are looking beautiful sunset! Then you call Red Wolf. Red wolf is big strong male wolf. Red wolf coming and he give opportunity to clean yourself and life from things you don’t need anymore: fears, pain, heavy responsibilities, all heavy things. Red wolf is very hungry and he waiting offers from you, which he can eat. And you offer him all these heavy things you don’t want to carry anymore on your shoulders. Create images of all this things and imagine you let go them. Then you can send a message to Erlik what you want to change and transform in your life. To send this massage you have to look directly to the eyes of Red wolf, to make a contact: you trust the animal and animal trust you. Then you say thanks to Wolf.
It’s coming full moon time. You coming back to beginning point and turn to the direction of lake. Full moon is rising up. You coming to the lake, you see moon is shining and reflections of stars in the lake. In silent night you sitting on lake shore and Black wolf. Black wolf is grandfather wolf, he carry wisdom all wolves family. You want to get all wisdom from this wolf. You have a chance to get initiation from grandfather wolf: you become as a part of wolves family, that means you turn to the wolf. This is very very deep transformation. If you ready for that, you ask initiation from Black wolf. Black wolf will ask you: are you ready or not. Then, if you are ready you looking deep into his eyes, get transformation and becoming a wolf. The rest of this full moon night you stay as a wolf and try to experience your new body, your senses, your new feelings. Then you find a place for night sleep, you sleeping. Then you wake up the ceremony is finished.
Next video I will guide you!